Your Hairs are precious….

Whether you’re a super model or an ordinary individual, there is one thing in common i.e., hair loss problem. I have heard so many times from various people complaining about their hair loss. All of them told that despite doing many things they are satisfied with the outcomes. So what’s the ultimate solution to get back your precious hairs? I would suggest undergoing hair restoration surgery. The concept is no longer new to India as there are many hair transplant centers running in India.

A range of latest advances, including the use of needle concept in fue and the use of facial hair as an additional donor have been widely used by doctors all across the world. The best thing about hair restoration surgery is that once the transplanted hair begins to grow, it will continue to do so for a lifetime. The transplanted hair typically sheds within the first 2-6 weeks after the procedure as the roots enter a resting phase. Between 3-8 months, the transplanted roots start sprouting hair. It usually takes 10-12 months to see the full improvement in terms of density, as the hair continues to mature and thicken. It is also true that using hair strengthening products like Keratene, generally 2 to 3 weeks before transplant and from one week post-transplant can speed up the growth re-growth of the transplanted hair, while at the same time help reduce further hair loss. During the surgery, hair is taken from the back and sides of the scalp and implanted to the areas where has thinned. Natural looking results are obtained by transferring the hairs as very small “micro” or “mini” grafts.

Over the past few years, there have been numerous advanced took place in the hair loss surgery and hair restoration surgery in India or hair transplant surgery is comparatively lesser painful now than it in earlier times when larger sections of scalp were excised. Older methods of scalp reduction, flap transfer have mostly been replaced by ultra-refined follicular unit hair transplants.

Considering the high success rate of hair restoration surgery in India, more and more people are now inclining towards this revolutionary surgery and getting outcomes that are positive and permanent.

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