Break Your Fast With Breakfast

Here’s a food-rule to live by – ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.’ The sooner you start applying this golden rule into your lives, the sooner you will realize the n number of health benefits attached to the habit of eating breakfast ‘kingsize’. Even before we begin to consider as to why breakfast is the most important meal of the day, let us look at a fact which is often ignored – when we’re asleep, believe it or not, the body continues to function and by the time you get up in the morning, your body needs fuel to kickstart the day.

After completing 8 to 9 hours of sleep, some of you might feel refreshed and energized, but this feeling of rejuvenation shouldn’t be confused with a flow of energy that will remain throughout the day, on its own. This flow of energy cannot sustain itself for long and hence, it is extremely essential that you back it up with a good meal of breakfast.

Breakfast, the term, comes from combining two words - ‘break’ and ‘fast’. The time span spent sleeping is more or less fasting since you stay without consuming water or eating food for a continuous stretch of 8 to 9 hours. And when you wake up, your stomach’s empty – one reason why many get up in the morning feeling dehydrated. If this has happened to you, make sure to drink up at least 2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Doing this, you ‘break’ your ‘fast’, therefore the name – ‘breakfast’. 

 The general tendency these days is to grab whatever is available, but the right approach should be to eat a mix of food components that give you energy to drive your physical and mental ability to the maximum potential. And the food you pick to eat for breakfast will be the deciding factor of how far you can push your energy levels. To jumpstart your day with strength and vitality, try having:
·         A bowl of whole-grain breakfast cereal with skimmed milk or soy milk.
·         Freshly cut fruits. Or you could even add fruits to a glass of milk in a mixie & turn it into a healthy smoothie (let go of table sugar if you’re health conscious).
·         A healthy sandwich of freshly cut veggies like lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber.
·         Boiled / poached eggs with brown or multi-grain toasts.
·         Oatmeal with skimmed milk and dry-fruits.
·         Freshly made juices. You could mix tangy veggies and citrus fruits together for a fun energizing drink.
·         Coffee and tea to wake you up from the leftover slumber-ness.
With so many exciting choices, why would you want to say no to this early morning treat? Refrain from skipping breakfast, as studies suggest that those who regularly skip breakfast are at a higher risk of suffering from obesity, heart diseases, high cholesterol and type-2 diabetes.

Quit playing with your health, and learn how you can effectively manage a breakfast meal by getting in touch with our Nutrition Experts -

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