For Healthy Senior Citizens

Don’t worry about the age, for age is just a number.

They say you’re as old as you think you are. While this phrase may stand true for most of you, one can’t run from the fact of life that as we age, our health slowly and steadily deteriorates. In other words, one can’t hide away from the cycle of life – we’re delicate when we’re born, we grow up to be strong, and slowly, in time, we complete the life cycle by becoming physically delicate, yet again.

Old age is the time when senior citizens get to live a life, free from any tensions, and that which is usually spent relaxing. However, old age also calls for extra care and when speaking from the physical standpoint, it becomes more and more important to go for regular health check-ups to avoid the unnecessary stretching of any diseases.

Some of the common health issues faced by the elderly are obesity and failure of keeping weight under control, falling and imbalance, urinary incontinence, dementia, and arthritis. Some of the health issues mentioned usually crop up much later in life due to negligence of health during the time when the body is young and has a much stronger immunity to diseases.

For instance, neglecting a healthy diet during your 20s, 30s, and even 40s can start showing when you’re nearing the age of 50. Living on junk food perpetually, and keeping away from exercise can have a ripple effect on your health. Of course, obesity is just one part of the takeaway, negligence shown towards a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle can pave way for a large number of diseases which you may accumulate over a period of time. After all, when you let go of your diet, you not only put on kilos, but those kilos and that dangerous fat stored in your body can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high levels of cholesterol. These are just few of the implications of leaving your diet-chart unattended.

Similarly, when we talk of urinary incontinence, it is necessary to know that even though aging is one of the major causes of the weak capacity of the bladder to hold urine, continuous and over-consumption of alcohol and addiction to smoking can also play a role in the weakening of the bladder and overflowing of urine.
Having stated the above, it’s only vital to adopt a healthy lifestyle, right from the start to live a disease-free old-age life. And club that with regular check-ups, there shouldn’t be any reason as to why you can’t live your remaining life tension-free. For the same, MaxHealthcare has introduced ‘Citizen Plus’ Card – a membership dedicated for senior citizens. You can get exciting offers on health packages once you have the card with you. So why not register for the same? To enroll, click here:

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